Jumat, 09 November 2018

Merry Riana - Ubah Perspektifmu Ubah Hidupmu - Motivasi Diri

Menghentikan Kebiasaan Mengeluh

Assessing Reading

Assessing reading ability is regarded all over the English-speaking world as one of the most important ways of monitoring educational standards, and there is ongoing controversy as to the best way of assessing reading and when and how this should be done.
This book, along with its companion volume Assessing Reading 2: Changing Practice in Classrooms, was originally conceived as the major outcome from an international seminar on reading assessment held in England. It focuses particularly on theoretical and methodological issues, though with a clear series of links to practices in assessment, especially state and national approaches to classroom-based assessment in the USA, the UK and Australia, at both primary and secondary levels.

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Effective READING

When studying, especially at higher levels, a great deal of time is spent reading. 
Academic reading should not be seen as a passive activity, but an active process that leads to the development of learning. 
Reading for learning requires a conscious effort to make links, understand opinions, research and apply what you learn to your studies. 

Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/effective-reading.html

When studying, especially at higher levels, a great deal of time is spent reading. 
Academic reading should not be seen as a passive activity, but an active process that leads to the development of learning. 
Reading for learning requires a conscious effort to make links, understand opinions, research and apply what you learn to your studies. 

Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/effective-reading.html
When studying, especially at higher levels, a great deal of time is spent reading. 
Academic reading should not be seen as a passive activity, but an active process that leads to the development of learning. 
Reading for learning requires a conscious effort to make links, understand opinions, research and apply what you learn to your studies. 

Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/effective-reading.html
 In order to read effectively in English , advanced learners need a range of skills. This book is designed to analyse students reading problems and present solutions through guided practice. The main emphasis is on teaching syudents how to read rather than merely reting their comprehension.
When studying, especially at higher levels, a great deal of time is spent reading. 
Academic reading should not be seen as a passive activity, but an active process that leads to the development of learning. 
Reading for learning requires a conscious effort to make links, understand opinions, research and apply what you learn to your studies. 

Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/effective-reading.html

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Berpikir Dan Berjiwa Besar

Mengapa buku ini perlu? Mengapa perlu ada diskusi skala penuh tentang Mukjizat Berpikir Besar?
Banyak orang di dalam usaha mereka untuk mengembangkan kehidupan yang berhasil lupa bahwa tersedia alat-alat untuk membantu mereka. Anda tidak lupa. Anda mempunyai dua kualitas dasar yang diperlukan untuk mewujudkan keuntungan riil dari buku ini: keinginan untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan yang lebih besar, dan inteligensi untuk memilih sarana atau alat, untuk membantu Anda mewujudkan keinginan tersebut. Berpikirlah Besar dan Anda akan hidup besar. Anda akan hidup besar di dalam kebahagiaan. Anda akan hidup besar dalam prestasi. Besar dalam pendapatan. Besar dalam jumlah teman yang Anda miliki. Besar dalam respek. Cukup untuk janji tersebut. Mulailah sekarang, menit ini juga, untuk menemukan bagaimana membuat pikiran Anda menenun mukjizat bagi Anda. Mulailah dengan pikiran filsuf besar ini, Disraeli, "Hidup terlalu singkat untuk berpikir kecil dan berbuat hal yang kecil-kecil."

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77 Good Habits

This book will help you acquire daily habits that will help you do these things and more.   
A habit is a regular tendency or practice. It’s something you do almost without thinking. In some cases, our habits even come to define us as people.  
You may consider yourself an “early riser,” but really you’re just in the habit of getting up early. You may think of your neighbor as a runner, but really she’s just in the habit of running. 
When we get in the habit of doing something, it no longer takes the tremendous amount of effort a new activity requires. That’s why you’ll find yourself swinging through the Dunkin’ Donuts drive through instead of searching for a healthier breakfast option (familiar is comforting, it requires less thought, it feels right – all because it’s a habit.)  

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